But ...

Reading time: 2 minutes

Debunking myths, lies and just outright bullshit takes magnitudes more effort than it takes to create the bullshit in the first place. That’s often why it is spread - to create, fear, uncertainty and doubt and waste the time of people who should be doing better things.

However in compiling this I think a lot of people’s knowledge of climate change is framed by things they’ve heard or seen or been led to believe that had a foundation in bullshit to begin with. So to make this relatable, I thought tackling it from the point of view of some common myths and misunderstandings and also just genuine questions wasn’t a bad way to go. Which means this section is a bit more of an FAQ myth busting index. Have at it.


Firstly - a fantastic list of scientifically debunked climate change myths is available at Skeptical Science Over 200 of them.

My Takes

But below are my takes because I felt like it.

Last updated: February 2024